On ASAP Industrial Services, customers within the aviation sector can find top-quality items by trusted and traceable manufacturers across the globe. In our catalog of Greenfield Threading products, you will find top-searched part numbers like 933676-79132, 697334-42621, 933670-10607, 697334-43520, 662355-82616, 662355-14885, 933670-51112, and others, those of which are all readily available for purchase. If any of the components listed here capture your interest, you can receive a custom quote for your comparisons in 15 minutes or less using our RFQ form. Simply provide details about your part requirements, and an expert member of our team will find a solution catered to your situation with a cost-saving in mind!
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Part No. | Description | Category | Sub Category | Availability | RFQ |
933676-79132 | SFGP-TN 1/4-20 UNC H3 High Helix Spiral Flute Machine Tap 367913 - 3 Flute - TiN - 2.... | Tools | Machining & Cutting Tools | Avl | RFQ |
697334-42621 | 382 7/8-14 UNF Round Adjustable Die 402621 - Right Hand Cut - 0.625 in Thickness - 2 ... | Tools | Machining & Cutting Tools | Avl | RFQ |
933670-10607 | HTGP-TN #5-40 UNC H2 Straight Flute Hand Tap 301060 - 3 Flute - TiN - 1.9375 in Overa... | Tools | Machining & Cutting Tools | Avl | RFQ |
697334-43520 | 377 Hexagon Rethreading Die Set 403520 - Right Hand Cut - Carbon Steel | Tools | Machining & Cutting Tools | Avl | RFQ |
662355-82616 | SPS 5/16-24 UNF H3 CNC For Soft Metals Spiral Point Machine Tap 330316 - 3 Flute - St... | Tools | Machining & Cutting Tools | Avl | RFQ |
662355-14885 | HTGP M18 D6 Straight Flute Hand Tap 330015 - 4 Flute - Bright - 4.03 in Overall Lengt... | Tools | Machining & Cutting Tools | Avl | RFQ |
933670-51112 | HTGP-TN 1/4-20 UNC H5 Straight Flute Hand Tap 305111 - 4 Flute - TiN - 2.5 in Overall... | Tools | Machining & Cutting Tools | Avl | RFQ |
662355-13230 | SPGP #6-32 UNC H1 Spiral Point Machine Tap 356421 - 2 Flute - Bright - 2 in Overall L... | Tools | Machining & Cutting Tools | Avl | RFQ |
933677-45110 | HTGP-3PC-TN #2-56 UNC H2 Hand Tap Set 174511 - 3 Flute - TiN - 1.75 in Overall Length... | Tools | Machining & Cutting Tools | Avl | RFQ |
933678-58131 | PTTI-TN 3/8-18 NPTF Medium Hook Taper Tapered Pipe Tap 385813 - 5 Flute - TiN - 2.562... | Tools | Machining & Cutting Tools | Avl | RFQ |
662355-15103 | HTGP #0-80 UNF H1 Straight Flute Hand Tap 330016 - 2 Flute - Bright - 1.625 in Overal... | Tools | Machining & Cutting Tools | Avl | RFQ |
697334-90526 | 6382 5/8-11 UNC Round Adjustable Die 400526 - Right Hand Cut - 0.5 in Thickness - 1.5... | Tools | Machining & Cutting Tools | Avl | RFQ |
933673-90457 | HTGP-TN #3-48 UNC H2 Straight Flute Hand Tap 339045 - 3 Flute - TiN - 1.8125 in Overa... | Tools | Machining & Cutting Tools | Avl | RFQ |
933670-08314 | HTGP-TN #4-40 UNC H2 Straight Flute Hand Tap 300831 - 3 Flute - TiN - 1.875 in Overal... | Tools | Machining & Cutting Tools | Avl | RFQ |
933675-72945 | SPGP-TN 5/16-18 UNC H3 Spiral Point Machine Tap 357294 - 3 Flute - TiN - 2.7188 in Ov... | Tools | Machining & Cutting Tools | Avl | RFQ |
933678-05043 | SPHD 5/16-24 UNF H3 CNC Heavy Duty Spiral Point Machine Tap 280504 - 3 Flute - TiN - ... | Tools | Machining & Cutting Tools | Avl | RFQ |
933678-23511 | SFHD 1/4-28 UNF H3 Spiral Flute Machine Tap 282351 - 3 Flute - Steam Oxide - 2.5 in O... | Tools | Machining & Cutting Tools | Avl | RFQ |
933677-45103 | HTGP-3PC-TN #12-24 UNC H3 Hand Tap Set 174510 - 4 Flute - TiN - 2.38 in Overall Lengt... | Tools | Machining & Cutting Tools | Avl | RFQ |
934591-35928 | SFGP+5-SO 3/4-10 UNC H11 Spiral Flute Machine Tap 313592 - 4 Flute - Steam Oxide - 4.... | Tools | Machining & Cutting Tools | Avl | RFQ |
697334-83272 | 377 3/4-16 UNF Hexagon Rethreading Die 403272 - Right Hand Cut - 0.75 in Thickness - ... | Tools | Machining & Cutting Tools | Avl | RFQ |
697334-42357 | 382 5/8-11 UNC Round Adjustable Die 402357 - Right Hand Cut - 0.5 in Thickness - 1.5 ... | Tools | Machining & Cutting Tools | Avl | RFQ |
662355-13231 | SPGP #6-32 UNC H2 Spiral Point Machine Tap 356422 - 2 Flute - Bright - 2 in Overall L... | Tools | Machining & Cutting Tools | Avl | RFQ |
697334-44916 | 377 M14x2.0 Hexagon Rethreading Die 404916 - Right Hand Cut - 0.5 in Thickness - 1.06... | Tools | Machining & Cutting Tools | Avl | RFQ |
933670-60367 | HTGP-TN 7/16-14 UNC H5 Straight Flute Hand Tap 306036 - 4 Flute - TiN - 3.1562 in Ove... | Tools | Machining & Cutting Tools | Avl | RFQ |
662355-30157 | SPGP-TC 1/4-20 UNC H3 Spiral Point Machine Tap 330157 - 3 Flute - TiCN - 2.5 in Overa... | Tools | Machining & Cutting Tools | Avl | RFQ |
933672-86859 | HTGP-TN M2 D3 Straight Flute Hand Tap 328685 - 3 Flute - TiN - 1.75 in Overall Length... | Tools | Machining & Cutting Tools | Avl | RFQ |
662355-14900 | HTGP M20 D6 Straight Flute Hand Tap 330034 - 4 Flute - Bright - 4.47 in Overall Lengt... | Tools | Machining & Cutting Tools | Avl | RFQ |
697334-73249 | 377 11/16-11 UNS Hexagon Rethreading Die 403249 - Right Hand Cut - 0.75 in Thickness ... | Tools | Machining & Cutting Tools | Avl | RFQ |
697334-45889 | 6382 M16x2.0 Round Adjustable Die 415889 - Right Hand Cut - 0.5 in Thickness - 1.5 in... | Tools | Machining & Cutting Tools | Avl | RFQ |
933670-00530 | SPGP-TN 3/8-16 UNC H2 Spiral Point Machine Tap 330146 - 3 Flute - TiN - 2.9375 in Ove... | Tools | Machining & Cutting Tools | Avl | RFQ |
933678-53853 | PTT-TN 1/8-27 NPT Medium Hook Taper Tapered Pipe Tap 385385 - 4 Flute - TiN - 2.125 i... | Tools | Machining & Cutting Tools | Avl | RFQ |
662355-13235 | SPGP #6-32 UNC H7 Spiral Point Machine Tap 359005 - 2 Flute - Bright - 2 in Overall L... | Tools | Machining & Cutting Tools | Avl | RFQ |
933672-87115 | HTGP-TN M16 D7 Straight Flute Hand Tap 328711 - 4 Flute - TiN - 3.8125 in Overall Len... | Tools | Machining & Cutting Tools | Avl | RFQ |
934431-35767 | SFGP+5-SO M12 D11 Spiral Point Machine Tap 313576 - 3 Flute - Steam Oxide - 3.375 in ... | Tools | Machining & Cutting Tools | Avl | RFQ |
697334-90062 | 6382 #8-36 UNF Round Adjustable Die 400062 - Right Hand Cut - 0.25 in Thickness - 0.8... | Tools | Machining & Cutting Tools | Avl | RFQ |
697334-40070 | 6382 #10-24 UNC Round Adjustable Die 400070 - Right Hand Cut - 0.25 in Thickness - 0.... | Tools | Machining & Cutting Tools | Avl | RFQ |
662355-84643 | SFS 1/4-20 UNC H5 Spiral Flute Machine Tap 330489 - 3 Flute - Steam Oxide - 2.5 in Ov... | Tools | Machining & Cutting Tools | Avl | RFQ |
933678-54584 | PTT-TN 1/2-14 NPT Medium Hook Taper Tapered Pipe Tap 385458 - 4 Flute - TiN - 3.125 i... | Tools | Machining & Cutting Tools | Avl | RFQ |
697334-91139 | FTGP-TN M5x0.8 D7 Plug Machine Tap 291139 - TiN - 2.375 in Overall Length - High-Spee... | Tools | Machining & Cutting Tools | Avl | RFQ |
662355-42933 | Screw Extractor 421933 - High-Speed Steel | Tools | Machining & Cutting Tools | Avl | RFQ |
662355-30165 | SPGP-TC 1/2-20 UNF H3 Spiral Point Machine Tap 330165 - 3 Flute - TiCN - 3.375 in Ove... | Tools | Machining & Cutting Tools | Avl | RFQ |
662355-82643 | SPS 1/4-20 UNC H5 CNC For Soft Metals Spiral Point Machine Tap 330336 - 3 Flute - Ste... | Tools | Machining & Cutting Tools | Avl | RFQ |
662355-13213 | SPGP #3-48 UNC H2 Spiral Point Machine Tap 356225 - 2 Flute - Bright - 1.8125 in Over... | Tools | Machining & Cutting Tools | Avl | RFQ |
662355-82222 | HTHM M14 D6 Straight Flute Machine Tap 330298 - 4 Flute - Steam Oxide over Nitride - ... | Tools | Machining & Cutting Tools | Avl | RFQ |
933671-77225 | HTGPL 7/16-20 UNF H3 Straight Flute Hand Tap 317722 - 4 Flute - Bright - 3.16 in Over... | Tools | Machining & Cutting Tools | Avl | RFQ |
933678-45292 | ELPTT 1-11.5 NPT Medium Hook Taper Tapered Pipe Tap 384529 - 5 Flute - Bright - 5.25 ... | Tools | Machining & Cutting Tools | Avl | RFQ |
933673-02047 | SFGP-TN #8-32 UNC H3 High Helix Spiral Flute Machine Tap 330204 - 3 Flute - TiN - 2.1... | Tools | Machining & Cutting Tools | Avl | RFQ |
933677-45608 | HTGP-3PC M3.5 D4 Hand Tap Set 174560 - 3 Flute - Bright - 2 in Overall Length - High-... | Tools | Machining & Cutting Tools | Avl | RFQ |
933673-00470 | HTGP-SO 1/4-20 UNC H3 Straight Flute Hand Tap 330047 - 4 Flute - Steam Oxide - 2.5 in... | Tools | Machining & Cutting Tools | Avl | RFQ |
697334-42555 | 382 5/8-11 UNC Round Adjustable Die 402555 - Right Hand Cut - 0.625 in Thickness - 2 ... | Tools | Machining & Cutting Tools | Avl | RFQ |
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